Tomorrow Nite(tues 1/29) I'll have the far too rare opportunity to perform with someone for the very first time... an occassion that is always special... I've only heard great things about a new vocalist to Buffalo audiences ,Rocio Gosende ... and with veterans like Wayne Moose & Dan Hull along I expect it to be a exciting evening.... Please join us and share the experience.- The Iris Entertainment Complex - 4224 Maple Rd - Amherst NY - 730 - 1030 pm
~ Bobby Jones
Featuring Buffalo Jazz Scene Live Music Schedule & News from Danny Hull and Phil Sims.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Danny Hull: Musically This Week Vol XV, No 19
Hello friends. A night of swing and surprise awaits...
Tuesday, 1/29 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
Rocio Gosende, vocals Bobby Jones, piano Wayne Moose, bass your host, drum set
This Tuesday we offer a debut at the Iris that leaves me searching for words. It goes without saying that my mission via this promotion is to encourage you to come out and join us. But I’m a bit gun shy this week for fear of sacrilege. When we invoke legend in the description of our fellow musicians, we invite suspicion. Exaggerated praise serves neither the musician nor the art form. And those advancing the exaggeration are viewed less and less as reliable reporters. But there’s no point in dishonesty either. Here’s where I'm going with this: Back in October, Bruce Johnstone brought his Fredonia Jazz Strings to the Iris. Along for the fun were some rather spirited saxophonists, a trumpet player (if I remember correctly), and a surprise vocalist - "surprise” being an understatement. As I accompanied Rocio Gosende in an impromptu performance, two singular legends came to mind: the one and only Ella Fitzgerald and the celebrated Anita O'Day. Why Ella? And why Anita O'Day? And how dare I make such a comparison? In a word, phrasing. Pitch, certainly, or no such parallel would dare be whispered. But from her first chorus, Rocio sang like a child of the 40's, with a deep sense of swing and a turn of phrase that would have made Anita O'Day herself take notice. And from where did that old-school sense of swing emerge? Queens, as it turns out, and the Frank Sinatra School for the Arts High School. And by way of another surprise, Rocio is an alumni of the Jazz Standard Youth Orchestra where she was a featured trombonist! She has performed with Claudio Roditi, Sheila Jordan, and Kevin Mahogany, and she has done workshops at the Jazz Standard where she teaches vocal technique and how to share the stage with an instrumentalist. This week, she shares the stage at the Iris with the remarkable Bobby Jones. We do hope you can make it. The Iris - in the plaza at the intersection of Maple & Sweet Home Roads in Amherst. 831-3271. Good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, a few surprises, and a great hang.
next Tuesday, 2/5 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
3 Brothers & a Distant Cousin
Phil Sims, trombone & arrangements Andy Weinzler, Russ D'Alba & Kelly Bucheger, tenor saxophones George Caldwell, piano Paul Zapalowski, bass your host, drum set
upcoming at the Iris Restaurant...
Tuesday, 2/19 Doug Stone
Tuesday, 3/5 Dave Schiavone
Tuesday, 4/2 Rick Strauss
Tuesday, 5/14 Laurie Bordonaro
Tuesday, 6/4 Western New York Jazz Orchestra
Art must take reality by surprise.
- Francoise Sagan
and Friendships.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Phil Sims: Jazz Happenings
Hello everyone,
First off, what a day, yesterday! Our luncheon concert at the Hearthstone was awesome. The Buffalo Brass was in high gear! I'll look forward to more of those type events in the future, hopefully.
Last night I had the opportunity to work with the Katy Miner quartet for a private function at Bacchus. Katy is truly a tremendous vocalist. Teamed up with Jack Kulp on bass and Tom Kasperek on drums. It was a real treat. Katy will be on the public gig circuit again, very soon. I'll keep you posted on all comings and goings, of course.
Now, on to today's reminder...
Joanna Batt Quartet at Milkie's on Elmwood (Elmwood and Utica) 5:30 to 8:30PM
Joanna Batt, vocals, Phil Sims, piano and trombone, Jack Kulp, bass, and Tom Kasperek, drums
This is the start of our Sunday policy at Milkie's of bringing in new artists at the end of each month. Joanna is a great vocalist and has a book of crafty arrangements of all manner of jazz standards. With her are (a show in his own right) the award winning Jack Kulp on bass, and the award worthy Tom Kasperek on drums. These guys are the real deal, a don't miss.
After the rush of this musical weekend, I get to start all over again, Monday...
Alfie Alissandra and Phil Sims at the Sportsman (Amherst and Grant) 6-8 PM
Alfie sings, plays bass and changes, all from one perch! I'll join him on t-bone.
What Would MIngus Do at the Hardware Cafe (Allen and Wadsworth) 8:30 to ?
Kelly Bucheger's edgy, crafty, stealthy, yet wholesome aggregate digging in on Kelly's jazz writings, etchings, and cave paintings. It's very organic, which in this case does not mean twice as expensive! Come check it out.
Kelly B, saxophones, myself, brass, Michael McNeill, piano, Cameron Kane, bass, and Darryl Washington, drums
That's the jazz over the next 48 hours in my life. I hope you can get yourself free to join one two or three. Always great to see you. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Michael T Jones and Cameron Kayne: Sunday, Feb 10.
Great to have that shout out in Mary Kunz Goldman's column on Tuesday re:our Valentine's Dinner at Guy's. The date is Sunday, Feb 10 from 4-9. Michael T Jones and Cameron Kayne will be providing the jazz. I hope to sit in at some point. If you would like to join us, call Guy's (542-4688). Reservations are strongly recommended as we sell out every year.
Bobby Jones: TONITE (1/24)
TONITE (1/24)... Bobby Militello Quartet w/ bobby jones,John Bacon&Jim Colemon - Militello's Restaurant 760 Werhle Dr(at Union) 7-9:30pm Call 632-0500 for info & reservations
Monday, January 21, 2013
Danny Hull: Musically This Week Vol XV, No 18
Hello friends. Setting a record for late invitations...
Tuesday, 1/22 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
John Hasselback, Jr - trombone George Caldwell - piano Wayne Moose - bass your host - drum set
John deserves better than so brief an acknowledgement, but it's already 8:00 and I'm just getting to this. The truth is, we thought we'd try something different this week. Usually I'll ask our featured guest to choose the rhythm section. But this time we settled on bass and chords, and then asked Wayne & George who they would like to accompany. John was the consensus invitee, and a heretofore unheard quartet is born. Can you join us? Show your Buffalo pedigree and venture out into the brisk January air. It's good for what ails you. The Iris - in the plaza at the intersection of Maple & Sweet Home Roads in Amherst. 831-3271. Good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and a great hang.
Wednesday, 1/23/2013 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 9:30
Buffalo Brass open rehearsal
Were preparing for a concert this Saturday afternoon that you're also invited to. Stop in for a preview.
Thursday, 1/24 at Milkie's on Elmwood 7:30 - 10:30 CANCELLED
Rick Strauss, guitar Michael T. Jones, piano
God bless Mike Milkie. The restaurant/bar/entertainment business is in his blood and there's no stopping him. This week he's celebrating the grand opening of his latest venture. The former Elmwood Lounge is now Milkie's on Elmwood. So in a gesture to our tenure at Bobby McGee's we're doing a little Tuesday-on-Thursday. And the cool thing about this particular quartet is that we are bringing Mike Jones & Rick Strauss together for the first time. Can you believe that? All these years and these two brilliant musicians have never shared the muse nor the bandstand! Can't wait... Join us?
Saturday at the Hearthstone Manor 12:45 - 1:45 p.m.
The Buffalo Brass
A luncheon concert! Tickets are available by way of a phone call to 200-6518.
next Tuesday, 1/29 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
Rocio Gosende, vocals Bobby Jones, piano Wayne Moose, bass your host, drum set
upcoming at the Iris Restaurant...
Tuesday, 2/5 3 Brothers & a Distant Cousin
Tuesday, 2/19 Doug Stone
Tuesday, 3/5 Dave Schiavone
Tuesday, 5/14 Laurie Bordonaro
Tuesday, 6/4 Western New York Jazz Orchestra
Fifty years ago this August...
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
- Martin Luther King, Jr
and Friendships.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Phil Sims: Jazz Happenings
Hi folks! It's the weekend. Yay!!!
Hello again,
Some nice jazz coming, as a matter of fact, tonight, for starters...
Saturday, January 19 The New Phil Sims Quartet at Lebros (Campbell and Dodge, Getzville) 8:30 to 11:30PM
Warren Stirtzinger, guitar, Paul Zapalowski, bass, and Tom Kasparek, drums join me for a night of truly tremendous jazz. Good eats at Lebros, too.
Sunday, January 20th The New Phil Sims Quartet at Milkie's on Elmwood (Elmwood and Utica) 5:30 to 8:30PM
Back downtown and featuring our open jazz jam. After Sunday, the quartet will not be back until February 10.
Monday, January 21 Alfie Allisandra with Phil Sims at the Sportsman's 6:00 to 8:00PM
Alfie Alissandra, guitar and vocals, Phil Sims, trombone
This duo is a ton of fun. Alfie's song menu reaches over 600 tunes in just about any kind of style. Jazz, blues, folk, rock, funk, I'm running out of styles! Really quaint, and non stop, really.
Wednesday, January 23 the Buffalo Brass Big Band at Iris (Maple and Sweethome, Amherst) 7:30 to 9:30PM
It's another open rehearsal night for the 18 piece big band. great original jazz performed by truly great players.
Ken Kuriscak, Ron Paladino, Kelly Bucheger, Craig Incontro, Chris Perraciny, saxes
Phil Sims, Stu Easter, Alan Jaenecke, Lon Gormley, trombones
Dennis Tribuzzi, John Maguda, Mark Filsinger, Nelson Starr Jr., Kathleen Irish, trumpets
Mike Moser, guitar, Tom Paladino, piano, Jack Kulp, bass, Dan Hull, drums
and Heather Holden, vocals
Thursday, January 24 The Carol McLauglin Big Band at the historic Colored Musicians Club (Broadway and Michigan) 8:30 to 10:30PM
Carol McLaughlin keeps fattening up the book with new charts every week! A trip to the CMC is truly unique, especially on Thursday nights!
Sunday January 27 the Joanna Batt Jazz Quartet at Milkie's on Elmwood 5:30 to 8:30PM
Joanna is a sparkling young vocalist whose music is steeped in the great American songbook tradition.
Phil Sims, piano and trombone, Jack Kulp, bass, and Tom Kasperek, drums
Here's a Tuesday night special for you from a different band (I am not on board, but have been asked to sit in)...
Every Tuesday, the Mark Filsinger Trio at Merge (Delaware Avenue, downtown) 7:00 to 10:00PM (I'll double check those times)
Mark Filsinger, trumpet, Matt MIchaud, guitar, and Cameron Kane, bass. That's a wow! Mark joins the Buffalo Brass at Iris, but his trio sounds truly spectacular. Stop out for some "lighter fare" and great jazz.
Off into February there are more great jazz nights coming up. Three brothers and A Distant Cousin will take the stage at Iris on 2/5, featuring three of the area's greatest tenor saxophonists, Andy Weinzler, Russ D'Alba, and Kelly Bucheger. Joanna batt will be out at Lebros on the 9th and the Buffalo Brass continues to ride at the Iris. Vocalists Heather Holden and Katy Miner will unveil their new jazz quartets in the coming months, as well. More Alfie Allisandra dates to follow, as well as some new venues to report in the coming months. And one biggie that should be truly elegant for all...
Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day) The New Phil Sims Quartet at Bacchus (Franklin and Chippewa) 6:30 to 9:30PM
This is a don't miss. Awesome food, wonderful bar, truly elegant atmosphere, Valentines Day (c'mon!), and the NPSQ. We're very excited about starting music at Bacchus. This will be our kick off performance. Hope to see you that evening.
January 20, 2013 ADDENDUM:
Hello again,
Sorry if this is inconvenient (just having emailed yesterday!), but a couple noteworthy items have come up that are very timely that I thought you might like to hear about.
Saturday, January 26 The Buffalo Brass Big Band at the Hearthstone Manor (Dick Rd., Cheektowaga) Lunch time concert
This event is an actual open to the public concert, not a rehearsal. The full Buffalo Brass Big Band, with vocalist Heather Holden, will be performing at lunch time in the main ball room. Doors open at noon, lunch starts serving around 12:15, and the BBBB will take the stage from 12:45 to 1:45. Take advantage a of a full chicken or beef luncheon in a beautiful setting with lots of parking, and the unmatchable sounds of the Buffalo Brass Big Band.
Tickets are $35 all inclusive, and can can be purchased by calling my good friend Phil Aguglia at 200 6518. It would be great to see you there. The band will be cranking, for sure!
Sunday, February 10 The New Phil Sims Jazz Quartet at the Elm Street Bakery (Elm street, off Main, East Aurora) 12:30 to 2:30PM
What an awesome spot! Incredible pastries, lunches, hot entrees, and a carefully chosen beer and wine list; all accompanied by the sounds of the NPSQ. We're looking forward to more regular visits to the ESB in the future.
I just have to say that it's such an incredible treat to perform with all these great musicians at such a wide, and ever expanding, variety of tasteful venues around Western New York. Certainly, the musicians are incredible, right here in our own back yard, but it's also you folks coming out and enjoying what we and the venues have to offer that makes this all such a great treat and a blessing. We always do keep in mind that you can't come to everything on our lists, nor would we expect you too. But each time Cindy and I, and the bands see folks we know walk in, it's always a wonderful treat for all of us, and it's never taken for granted.
And if you are folks we've only recently just met, know that we are truly thrilled to meet you, and look forward to you joining us whenever you can.
I hope you have a great rest of the weekend, perhaps even spending a few hours with us (today at 5:30 at Milkie's on Elmwood), and we look forward to seeing you real soon. Thank you so much for your support.
Monday, January 14, 2013
DANNY HULL: Musically This Week Vol XV, No 17
Hello friends. This week...
Monday, 1/14 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 9:00
Western New York Jazz Orchestra open rehearsal
You're invited.
Tuesday, 1/15 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
George Kane, guitar Tim Clarke, trumpet Wayne Moose, bass your host, drum set
Most of you know how this weekly jazz experiment works: I’ll invite a guest that we wish to feature, that person surrounds himself with musicians of his choice, and we meet on the bandstand. Seldom is there a rehearsal. But not so this week. George Kane & Tim Clarke are very particular about their collective concept, and when you hear the musical results you’ll understand why this time, we held a rehearsal. What these guys do musically is singular and refreshing. Tunes from Astor Piazzolla to Frank Loesser to Jimmy Webb: a tango, straight ahead and swinging, a rhumba, and standards with a Latin feel - every tune arranged with care, but still honoring the improvisational imperative. And you may want to abandon the bar and take a table up near the bandstand. If there is any complaint about the volume, it will be that you can’t hear us well enough. George and Tim have forged a concept steeped in an expanded Great American Songbook that traces back to the 1930’s. What you’ll hear is a modern concept informed by the music that got us this far. And as to the groove? Sitting still will be difficult. This quartet is special not only for the inspired musicianship of its co-leaders, but for the material quaint and obscure, and the care with which the music is arranged and performed. We hope you can join us. The Iris - in the plaza at the intersection of Maple & Sweet Home Roads in Amherst. 831-3271. Good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and a great hang.
next Tuesday, 1/22 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
George Caldwell, piano Wayne Moose, bass your host, drum set
upcoming at the Iris Restaurant...
Tuesday, 1/29 Rocio Gosende
Tuesday, 2/5 3 Brothers & a Distant Cousin
Tuesday, 3/5 Dave Schiavone
Tuesday, 5/14 Laurie Bordonaro
Tuesday, 6/4 Western New York Jazz Orchestra
Now he tells me...
A drummer should never be late, try to show off, be high, or smell bad. And a drummer should always play in the pocket, have a great attitude, inspire the rest of the band, and have fresh-smelling breath.
- bassist Mike Porcaro
Gun Control,
and Friendships.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Phil Sims Schedule UPDATE
Hey everyone,
It's mid week (let's just call it that) and as the day draws on, thoughts of the weekend begin to filter in to our collective psyche. Well, at least I think they should! Since my last mailing, there have been a few alterations to our jazz schedule. Things at the Elmwood (Milkie's on Elmwood) are going mighty nicely, and that is in very large part to the fact that so many of you have dropped in to take part. Thank you for taking the time to join us! Mike is in the midst of remodeling at the old place, and later this month he will be hosting his ten days of grand opening celebration. He'll have lots of great music and events there, not the least of which is us!
The New Phil Sims Jazz Quartet will be filling in all the Sundays, this month leading up to the big shebang. There is discussion for the future as to developing a Sunday music policy that will potentially involve guest artists, as well as the NPSQ. So fun things are poppin' at Milkie's. Here's a posting of new and old:
Tonight Buffalo Brass BIg Band at Iris (Maple and Sweethome) 7:30PM
Friday 1/11 The New Phil Sims Quartet at the historic Roycroft Inn (S. Grove St., East Aurora) 8:00PM
Phil Sims, trombone and euphonium, Warren Stirtzinger, guitar, Paul Zapalowski, bass, Tom Kasperek, drums
Saturday 1/12 Phil Sims and Dennis Tribuzzi with the Dive House Union Band East Aurora Theater (Main St.) 8:30PM
Sunday 1/13 The New Phil Sims Quartet at Milkie's on Elmwood, including open jazz jam
Saturday 1/19 The New Phil Sims Quartet at Lebros (Dodge and Campbell, Getzville) 8:00PM
Sunday 1/20 The New Phil Sims Quartet at Milkie's, including open jazz jam, kicking off Grand Opening Celebration
Wednesday 1/23 Buffalo Brass BIg Band at Iris (Maple and Sweethome) 7:30PM
Sunday 1/27 The Joanna Batt Quartet at Milkie's 5:30PM.
Joanna Batt, vocals, Phil Sims, piano and trombone, Jack Kulp, bass, Tom Kasperek, drums
Sunday 2/3 The New Phil Sims Quartet at Milkie's (Superbowl Sunday?)
Tuesday, 2/5 Three Brothers and Distant Cousin at Iris 7:30PM
Andy Weinzler, Russ D'Alba, Kelly Bucheger, tenor saxes, Phil Sims, trombone, George Caldwell, piano, Paul Zapalowski, bass, Dan Hull, drums
In future weeks, the Big Band, the Quartet, vocalists Joanna Batt, Heather Holden, and Katy MIner will all be holding court at various locations about town. As we get closer, I'll keep you posted. There are new opportunities in the making, as well. I'm looking forward to including these in future JH editions. Stay well, we all look forward to seeing you, soon.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Danny Hull: Musically This Week Vol XV, No 16
Hello everyone. Have you enjoyed your "newsletter holiday"? Two whole weeks and no intrusions from your correspondent... But all things must pass...
Tuesday, 1/8 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
![]() |
Barabara Jean, vocals |
Barbara Jean, vocals Michael T. Jones, piano Warren Stirtzinger, guitar Cameron Kayne, bass your host, drum set
We begin our 2013 Tuesday-calendar with a singular musical artist, and an expanded back-up band. Why does Barbara Jean deserve such praise? Because she's the only regional vocalist that I know of who writes her own material: melodies, harmony, and lyrics. She has now recorded and released two CD's, most of the material being her own, and she has had one of her Christmas tunes heard on daytime television. Really. I’m not making this up. Somehow (Barbara Jean is resourceful) she got her tune “At Christmastime” to an agent that shops music for various TV productions. A deal was reached, and there in the background of a daytime TV drama was our Barbara Jean and a holiday tune of her own creation. That probably makes her the second most famous person born of Jamestown, NY… Her star is rising, what with her recordings as TV soundtracks and her appearances at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery and the Lewiston Jazz Festival. This week, she’s with us. The weather looks forgiving, so if you’re among our listeners who loves vocals in the style of the Great American Songbook, and the hard swinging piano stylings of our own Michael T. Jones, please join us. The Iris - in the plaza at the intersection of Maple & Sweet Home Roads in Amherst. 831-3271. Good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and a great hang.
Wednesday, 1/9 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
Buffalo Brass open rehearsal
We’re back in rehearsal mode, and the curious are invited. No cover. No waiting.
next Tuesday, 1/15 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 10:30
George Kane, guitar Tim Clarke, trumpet Wayne Moose, bass
upcoming at the Iris Restaurant...
Tuesday, 2/5 3 Brothers & a Distant Cousin
Tuesday, 3/5 Dave Schiavone
Tuesday, 4/23 Western New York Jazz Orchestra
Tuesday, 5/15 Laurie Bordonaro
I could be the authority...
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world... You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.
So that's my wish for you, and all of us. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it.
Make your mistakes, next year and forever.
- Neil Gaiman
and Friendships.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Phil Sims Schedule
Happy new year, everyone, and welcome back from your holiday travels and activities. As promised, there are quite a few dates to choose from for some great jazz entertainment. And as always, I'm hoping to provide you with even more options in the coming months. Listed below are a few dates leading into early February.
Stay well, and I encourage you to take part in all the great live music across WNY. In many other towns it's hard to find good live jazz. We are so fortunate to have so much jazz going on around here; and from so many incredibly talented players and singers! And most times and places you can just walk in for free, sit down, order to your delight, and enjoy great music. That's amazing! So, when you join us, we really do appreciate that you chose us for your musical entertainment. Here's some fine choices...
Sunday, January 6 The New Phil Sims Jazz Quartet at Milkie's Elmwood Lounge (Elmwood and Utica) 5:30PM to 8:30PM
Phil Sims, trombone, euphonium, vocals, Warren Stirtzinger, guitar, Paul Zapalowski, bass, and Tom Kasperek, drums
The first set is all quartet, then we open up the mic and invite our awesome jazz guests to join us. We always have a great time, and the music is jumpin'! And euphonium jazz?! Now, really, where else?...
..actually, in the words of Yoda, "there is another". (Yoda, or Obi Wan? Hmph.)
Wednesday, January 9 the Buffalo Brass at Iris (Maple and Sweethome) 7:30 to 9:30
Come out and hear this incredible 18 piece big band go through its paces. We'll work on some new music and then put it all together for you. Some of the best instrumental jazz artists in Western New York eagerly come together for you on the same stage. Lest we forget (impossible!) we're also joined by featured vocalist, Heather Holden.
Friday, January 11 The New Phil Sims Jazz Quartet at the historic Roycroft Inn (S. Grove St., East Aurora) 8:00 to 11:00PM
Dan Garvey always provides great groups at the Roycroft on Fridays, and we appreciate his invitation. Come sit by the fire in a beautiful, warm, rustic, intimate setting to hear this great acoustic quartet.
Saturday, January 12 Phil Sims and Dennis Tribuzzi with the Dive House Union Band at the Aurora Theater (Main St., East Aurora) 8:30PM
If you haven't heard this great six piece rock and blues band (featuring Dave Miller on guitar and lead vocals, and Barry Arborgast on tenor sax), you will want to stop by. For this event, the band has added myself and uber-trumpeter, Dennis Tribuzzi to their show. They're raising money to get to Nashville for a blues competition. These guys write great stuff, sound great, and, well, adding the horns was a stroke of genius!
Saturday, January 19 The New Phil Sims Jazz Quartet at Lebros (Campbell and Dodge, Getzville) 8:00 to 11:00PM
This is a new venue for us. In the coming months I'll be appearing there with Ken Kuriscak (saxophonist), Joanna Batt (vocals), Heather Holden (vocals), and Katy Miner (vocals). We're very excited to be part of the Lebros family. Please come out for some really great food as well as great jazz.
Wednesday, January 23 the Buffalo Brass at Iris (Maple and Sweethome) 7:30 to 9:30
Second chance in January. C'mon!
Sunday, February 2 The New Phil Sims Jazz Quartet at Milkie's Elmwood Lounge 5:30PM to 8:30PM
Always the first Sunday of the month.
Tuesday, February 5 Three Brothers and A Distant Cousin at Iris 7:30-10:30PM
Andy Weinzler, Russ D'Alba, Kelly Bucheger, tenor saxes, Phil Sims, trombone, George Caldwell, piano, Paul Zapalowski, bass, Dan Hull, drums.
There's a lineup! 'Nuff said! It's big group time at the Iris, we would love for you to join us. Playing the music of JJ Johnson and Hank Mobley, and others.
Friday, February 9 the Joanna Batt Quartet at Lebros 8:00-11:00PM
Jazz vocalist, Joanna Batt (pr: bot) comes back to WNY after spending some years singing with the Notre Dame Jazz Ensemble! How cool is that? No big band for her on this night, but she is surrounded by myself on piano and trombone, the award winning Jack Kulp on electric bass, and Tom Kasperek on the drums. Please join us for great food, and an evening of tasty American Songbook jazz.
And as always, every Thursday at the historic Colored Musicians Club (Broadway and Michigan)
The Carol McLaughlin Big Band in rehearsal, live. 8:30PM to 10:30PM
Carol and his saxophone have been Buffalo mainstays for four decades (maybe longer!) No cover, Marian will take good care of your beverage needs, and the band will just have at it! This is pure fun. Ring the buzzer (very speak-easy-esque) and when allowed to pass, come right on up the stairs and be part of the fun!
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