Monday, April 22, 2013

Danny Hull: Musically This Week Vol XV, No 31

Hello friends.  Another 11th hour invitation...  Both playing opportunities this week are in the company of one Bobby Jones.  It doesn't get better than that...

Tuesday, 4/23 at Milkie's Elmwood 7:00 - 10:00
Colleen Williams

Colleen Williams, vocals     Bobby Jones, piano     Jerry Livingston, bass     your host, drum set
Coll the Doll!  Bandstand charm, laser-like pitch, cool tunes, and arrangements by Jones...  What's not to love?  This will be a blast.  Still experimenting, we're moving the start time to 7:00, hoping to draw a dinner crowd but still be playing for a later arriving audience.  Milkie's on Elmwood is at the intersection of West Utica & Elmwood Avenue.  882-5881

Wednesday, 4/24 at Dick & Jenny's Bake & Brew     6:30 - 9:30
Bobby Jones, piano. 

Bobby Jones, piano     Jim Colemon, bass     yours truly, drum set
It's no secret anymore.  Dick & Jenny's Bake & Brew is an absolute treasure of a food emporium.  And I'm speaking from experience.  Actually, multiple experiences.  OK, full disclosure:  I'm there once or twice a week.  Only this Wednesday, the customer gives way and the musician holds sway.  A second consecutive night with Bobby Jones, only in a more intimate trio setting...  Dick & Jenny's is at the intersection of Baseline & Love Rd on Grand Island.  775-5047

next Tuesday, 4/30 at Milkie's Elmwood     7:00 - 10:00
Clay Jenkins, trumpet

Upcoming at Milkie's Elmwood
Tuesday, 5/14 Laurie Bordonaro
Tuesday, 5/28 Janice Mitchell
Tuesday, 6/18 Western New York Jazz Orchestra
Tuesday, 10/15 Patty Flaherty & Craig Kastelnik


And the problem with background checks is?
I do dislike it when people try to put me in a box by saying I’m “anti-gun.”  Someone pulled that on me in a debate after Newtown, and I’ll repeat now what I said then: I’m not anti-gun, I’m pro-kindergartner.
 - Richard RJ Eskow


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