Hello everyone. How do I thank you? Last week's support for our continuing jazz experiment, now at Milkie's on Elmwood, was more than I could have asked for. I'd name names were it not for fear of leaving someone out. But you know who you are. You drove up from Bradford. From Jamestown. You made the effort after a tiring work day. Even your commute from East Aurora is 40 minutes. So thank you. We'll keep doing what we do, in the interest of our art form, and in the interest of the sharing and the camaraderie. Milkie's isn't a cavernous space. Mike seems to have (this time) put the stage in the right spot. So whether you grab a table or a seat at the bar, you're in close enough to share in the energy, and send some back to the stand. Here's what's up this week...
Monday, 3/11 at the Iris Restaurant 7:30 - 9:00
Western New York Jazz Orchestra open rehearsal
Dave Kayne's big band is in the early stages of development, only a few rehearsals in. But his arrangements are complete pieces of musical art, and you're invited to stop into the Iris and hear how Dave puts it all together. No cover, just a good hang.
Tuesday, 3/12 at Milkie's on Elmwood 7:00 - 10:00
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Cindy Miller, Vocalist |
Cindy Miller, vocals Pat Georger, piano Wayne Moose, bass your host, drum set
Did you feel the energy in the room last week? Dave Schiavone played like a man possessed. Bobby Jones was Bobby Jones - the most inspired rhythmic accompanist this side of Chick Corea. And Cameron Kayne played time like he was angry. But even with all of that musical testosterone competing for the listener's attention, it took Barbara Jean to bring the room to utter silence when she joined us during our second set. People love singers. And this week? Yikes. We have a singer. And she can't wait. Cindy Miller is a well-traveled pro. Her bread & butter is her show work, which has her crisscrossing the country. (She's had more frequent flyer miles expire than most of us will ever earn.) And with a so demanding a schedule, her opportunities to sing in a quartet setting are few-and-far-between. So she is psyched. And needless to say, so are we. At Milkie's on Elmwood you can catch Cindy up close and personal. The stage is small, but at least it's in the same county as the bar. So join us if you can? We're only in our second week at our new venue, and we do need you. We hit early, so you can come hungry, grab a bite, catch a set, relax and live your life, (you've earned it), and get home at a reasonable hour for someone your age ;) Milkie's on Elmwood is at the intersection of West Utica & Elmwood Avenue. 882-5881
next Tuesday, 3/19 at Milkie's Elmwood 6:30 - 9:30
Randy Stirtzinger, vibraphone Warren Stirtzinger, guitar John Werick, bass your host, drum set
Upcoming at Milkie's Elmwood...
Tuesday, 3/26 Joe Rozler & Bruce Johnstone
Tuesday, 4/2 Rick Strauss
Tuesday, 4/23 trioPAYAZZO Ainse que Deux
Tuesday, 4/30 Clay Jenkins
Tuesday, 5/14 Laurie Bordonaro
Tuesday, 6/18 Western New York Jazz Orchestra
Tuesday, 10/15 Patty Flaherty & Craig Kastelnik
It is Daylight Saving time...
Baseball player: "What time is it?"
Yogi Berra:
"You mean now?"
and Friendships.
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