Featuring Buffalo Jazz Scene Live Music Schedule & News from Danny Hull and Phil Sims.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
For Immediate Release: American Idol contender John Stevens to perform at Bobby McGee's.
Buffalo's own John Stevens will be performing live at Bobby McGees on March 20, 2010.
John Stevens, who stepped into the national spotlight as a contender on "American Idol," has accepted an engagement at Bobby McGee's, drummer Danny Hull has announced.
Stevens reached the finals of "American Idol" while still a student at Williamsville East High School. He graduated last year from the Berklee College of Music in Boston.
At McGee's, Stevens will be accompanied by a trio yet to be announced. The performance came about partly through the intervention of BuffaloLiveJazz.com.
"We are happy and proud to have helped broker this new artistic partnership," BuffaloLiveJazz.com spokesman Howard Goldman said in a statement. "McGee's is a bright spot on the local jazz scene and we hope to see this venue flourish. John Stevens' presence is generating a lot of excitement."
McGee's is on Maple Road at the corner of Sweet Home Road, at the location of the former Dakota Grill. The chef is owner Mike Milkie, the owner of the former Bobby McGee's in University Plaza. There is no cover charge.
For more information contact Bobby McGee's at 716-831-3271.
BuffaloLiveJazz.com post more details as they become available.
Danny Hull Newsletter: Musically This Week Vol XII, No 20
Tuesday, 1/26/2010 at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Bobby Militello, saxophone & flute Bobby Jones, piano Jim Colemon, bass your host, drum set
This could be my easiest-ever column to write: Bobby Militello will be playing at Bobby McGee's this Tuesday. That should do it. Consider the place packed. Get there early enough to secure your table and settle in to hear Buffalo's jazz diplomat to the world. This will be Bobby's maiden appearance at our new establishment, complete with the grand piano brilliance of Bobby Jones. As to the photo above - we'll have to disappoint. I told Jones he could use my accordion, but he deferred. He'll play the piano. And no, that's not me in this photo either. I've never had that much hair, or a Rogers drum kit. So please join us as we conclude out January Tuesday calendar with our world renown favorite son. The New Bobby McGee's, located in the Maple Ridge Plaza, Sweet Home & Maple Roads. Tina, Jyl, Magan, steady Billy & quiet Mike - good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and still a great hang.
Friday, 1/29/2010 at Bobby McGee's 7:30 - 10:30
Jack Civiletto, guitar & vocals Lisa Hasselback, piano
Jack is well-known for his singular command of the Frank Sinatra Songbook, and as well for his blues roots. This week he returns to Bobby McGee's, guitar in arms, vocals at the ready, and genuinely excited about playing his instrument in the company of some salty Buffalo veterans.
Saturday, 1/30/2010 at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
Janice Mitchell, vocals Jim Beishline, piano Wayne Moose, bass yours truly, drum set
Buffalo's Queen of Soul. Janice squirms when I say that, revealing her unaffected humility. But it's the truth. No one goes deeper. In the embrace of Jim Beishline's carefully crafted arrangements, Janice draws upon the inspiration of her Ray Charles days, and sings directly to each listener. Join us for your Saturday night date night.
Mondays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/25/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
2/1/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
2/8/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
2/15/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
Tuesdays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
2/16/2010 Clay Jenkins
3/2/2010 Chuck Buffamonte
4/20/2010 Pat Bianchi
Thursdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 p.m.
1/28/2010 Salsa Dance Lessons with Sarah Hooper & the Latin Jazz Project
2/4/2010 Wendell Rivera's Latin Jazz Ensemble
2/11/2010 WNY Blues Society
Friday at Bobby McGee's 7:30 p.m.
2/5/2010 Blueprint with vocalist Kristin Parisi
Saturdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
2/6/2010 Colleen Williams
2/20/2010 Tenor Guitar Madness
2/27/2010 Frankie & Chrissy Scinta
3/20/2010 John Stevens
The State of our Union...
Yes, we are on the way back — not by mere chance, not by a turn of the cycle. We are coming back more soundly than ever before because we planned it that way, and don't let anybody tell you differently.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
and Peace.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ari Silverstein Will Be Lounging In Buffalo This Week.
Lounge impressionist, Ari Silverstein, is rolling into Buffalo this evening for a few days of rollicking. Is is very possible that Ari may be coaxed into conducting one of his spontaneous master classes.
Ari Silverstein with Annie Philippone.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Danny Hull Newsletter: Musically This Week Vol XII, No 19
Hullo friends. Sunday afternoon. (Again.) Multi-tasking here, at least until the laptop battery gives up... Watching the Vikings-Dallas game while composing this invitation. (Good thing for spell check...) And why not? After a decade-long playoff withdrawal as a Bills fan, I thought I'd see what second millennium playoff football looks like. My prediction record for the weekend stands at 1 & 1 - never thought that Kurt Warner & Arizona would get blown out of the stadium. Baltimore had no chance against Peyton. Expecting both home teams to remain standing at close of business today. And now to the music...
Tuesday, 1/19/2010 at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Randy Stirtzinger, vibraphone Warren Stirtzinger, guitar Jim Kurzdorfer, bass your host, drum set
Wine & cheese. Pizza & beer. Vibes & guitar. And when the same blood flows through both artists, that combination can be musically formidable. We welcome our Canadian counterparts for their first performance at our new digs, and we invite you to join us and bestow an All-American greeting on our friends from St. Catherine's. The New Bobby McGee's, located in the Maple Ridge Plaza, Sweet Home & Maple Roads. Tina, Jyl, Magan, steady Billy & quiet Mike - good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and still a great hang.
Friday, 1/22/2010 at Wegman's Amherst St 6:00 - 8:00
Dave Scott, guitar Buddy Fadale, bass your correspondent, drum set
Is Wegman's a publicly traded company? Dave Scott is at least musically invested. The Amherst Street location has joined their sister stores in offering live music to their Friday patrons. Join us for a unique Friday night date.
Saturday, 1/23/2010 at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
Joe Rozler - piano, guitar & vocals Jim Kurzdorfer - bass yours truly - drum set
For your consideration: Joe Rozler is among the most eclectic and versatile musicians in the world. Hype you suggest? Fact: Joe travels the planet with a heavy metal band. Now I don't know much about metal, except that I don't like it. But I do know that there are metal players who are respected for their skills in their genre, but they couldn't swing if you threw them a vine. Joe swings with ease. And Joe is a founding member of both the Sid Winkler Band and the Party Squad, two of the most successful party bands in Buffalo history. And why are they so successful? Because with Joe behind the keys, or at the mic, or with his guitar, you've got an artist who can at once play a request for Stevie Wonder, sing a Sinatra-era standard, break your heart with a wrenching ballad, and rock the house with a Pop tune off the charts. How many jazz players can do that? But we won't be asking Joe to bring his metal chops to our gig this Saturday at Bobby McGee's. We'll play standards ala Nat King Cole, and dance tunes from the Great American Songbook. Why not make your dinner reservations and relax in the musical company of this singular artist? Then you tell me: Truth or hype?
Mondays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/18/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
1/25/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
Tuesdays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/26/2010 Bobby Militello
2/16/2010 Clay Jenkins
4/20/2010 Pat Bianchi
Thursdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 p.m.
1/28/2010 Salsa Dance Lessons with Sarah Hooper & the Latin Jazz Project
Fridays at Bobby McGee's 7:30 - 10:30
1/22/2010 Kathy Carr
1/29/2010 Jack Civiletto
Saturdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
1/30/2010 John Stevens
2/20/2010 Tenor Guitar Madness
It's all in your body of work...
You have to find what makes you stable in the storm. Then, no matter what's happening round you, no matter what the hype or the publicity, you can still manage to make leaps in your work as an artist.
- Jimmy Smits
We hope to see you. Thanks for your support.
and Peace.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Lou Custode Trio at Papaya Tonight! - Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Street
Howie....how are things? My jazz trio is at Papaya tomorrow night (Wednesday, January 13th) from 6-10. Stop in if you are in the neighbor hood and say hello.
Lewis Custode
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Danny Hull: Musically This Week Vol XII, No 18
The new Bobby McGee's - Tuesday night, 01/12/2010
Hello friends. Sunday afternoon. And it's time for my weekly self-ordained responsibility, which is to convince you of the cultural benefits that will wash over your spirit upon a visit to the New Bobby McGee's. You're certainly invited to the other venues that I'm fortunate enough to be playing at, but for the most part those venues are well established and in less need of your sponsorship. Wegman's isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But the New Bobby McGee's (we'll drop the "New" if we survive this) is New in every sense, save for our Tuesday night offering. With the new location comes a new financial responsibility for the owner - about double if you want to know. And though we retain the name of the restaurant and our aforementioned Tuesday night jazz experiment (sans the curious lighting), we're still new to the location, and the growing pains are expensive, extensive, and extremely hypertensive. Basically, I'm appealing to those of you who recognize what we stand to lose should we fail. Bobby McGee's is a business, but what we do musically is not about business. It's about culture and art. It's about community. And it's about leaving the same cultural legacy to those that follow as was left to us by Grover Washington, Elvin Sheppard, Russ Messina, Anne Fadale, Richard Kermode, Al Tinney, Joe Madison, Joe Romano, Gerry Niewood, Lou Marinaccio, Chu Nero, John Licata, Ben Baia, and the many others whose names escape this moment of reflection. We were passed a torch, and we barely knew it. And now it's time. We hope you recognize the import of our mission.
Barbara Jean, vocals Andy Weinzler, saxophone Michael T. Jones, piano Cameron Kayne, bass your host, drum set
So what do we do? We stay true to that mission. We bring in a deserving artist you've never heard of. Pianist Mike Jones told me about Barbara Jean, having recorded her maiden CD, Sweet. Upon hearing it I was utterly charmed. Obviously the musical qualifications are in place - pitch, phrasing, time. And I'm always moved by a direct delivery unencumbered by affectation. But what really knocked me out was that I had never heard most of the tunes on the CD. They were all standards, or so I thought, and they all swung - right out of the Great American Songbook. Then I looked at the composer credits - BarbaraJean! If this girl didn't live in Jamestown she'd be writing tunes and lyrics for LA screen projects. She'll steal your heart with musical stories that touch your very life. So join us. I know, it's winter in Buffalo. But you're not driving from Jamestown. Come out to meet and hear BarbaraJean. Buy a personally signed copy of her charming musical life story. It'll likely stay in your car stereo for months like mine did. The hours are a forgiving 7:00 - 10:00, the acoustics are perfect, and your friends will be there. The New Bobby McGee's, located in the Maple Ridge Plaza, Sweet Home & Maple Roads. Tina, Jyl, Magan, steady Billy & quiet Mike - good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and still a great hang.
Friday, 1/15/2010 at Wegman's Sheridan 6:00 - 8:00
Saturday, 1/16/2010 at Lebros 8:30 - 11:30
Dave Scott, guitar Buddy Fadale, bass your correspondent, drum setYou have to love a guy who will book these gigs and stay in shape just because he wants to play. Dave Scott is that guy, and it's an all-Scott/Fadale weekend for yours truly. Both are comfortable venues, and at Lebros, you don't even have to take the beer home in a bag in order to sample some.
Mondays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/11/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
1/25/2010 Civiletto & Michaels
Tuesdays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/19/2010 Randy Stirtzinger
1/26/2010 Bobby Militello
2/16/2010 Clay Jenkins
Thursdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 p.m.
1/14/2010 Blues Society of WNY
1/21/2010 open Pyramid Band rehearsal
1/28/2010 Salsa Dance Lessons with Sarah Hooper & the Latin Jazz Project
Fridays, at Bobby McGee's 7:30 - 10:30
1/15/2010 Cheryl Ferris
1/22/2010 Kathy Carr
Saturdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
1/23 Joe Rozler
2/20 Tenor Guitar Madness
75 last week, had he made it...
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.
- Elvis Presley
and Peace.
Have a good year.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Danny Hull - Musically This Week Vol XII, No 17
Greetings friends. The time for new beginnings is upon us. However you embrace 2010, may you do so with the conviction that this will be a year of growth and discovery.
John Troy, saxophone & EWI Michael McNeill, piano Danny Ziemann, bass your host, drum set
Friday, 1/9/2010 at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Cindy Miller, vocals Lisa Hasselback, piano Wayne Moose, bass yours truly, drum set
Jazz vocal royalty joins us this weekend, and it will be our fist feature with Cindy and our generously loaned grand piano. Please join us as we present the versatile and well traveled Ms Miller, in the company of her chosen accompanist for the evening - the equally versatile (and well traveled) Lisa Hasselback. Dancing and the Great American Songbook are the intended themes for the Cindy's appearance, but you're just as welcome to have dinner and simply enjoy the show from the comfort of your chair - dancing optional. But do join us, and hear one of the most remarkable singers performing anywhere.
Tuesdays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/12 Barbara Jean
1/19 Warren Stirtzinger & Mike Jones
1/26 Bobby Militello
2/16 Clay Jenkins
Thursdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 p.m.
1/14/2010 Blues Society of WNY
1/21/2010 open Pyramid Band rehearsal
1/28/2010 Salsa Dance Lessons with Sarah Hooper & the Latin Jazz Project
Fridays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
1/8 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
1/15 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
1/22 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
1/29 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/5 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/12 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/19 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/26 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
Saturdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
1/16 Sophisticated Swing
1/23 Joe Rozler
especially in our beloved home town...
The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows.
- George William Curtis
and Peace.
Happy New Year.
Tuesday, 1/5/2010 at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
John Troy, saxophone & EWI Michael McNeill, piano Danny Ziemann, bass your host, drum set
Among our missions in our continuing jazz experiment is to introduce emerging talent to our Savvy & Informed Audience. John Troy impressed everyone both on the stand and in the audience when he sat in one night back at our former and curiously lit location. Bruce Johnstone was on the gig, and he introduced me to his student, then studying at Fredonia. Imagine the confidence, to not only sit in with an aggravation of salty veterans, but to do so within ear shot of your college professor! After some assurances from Bruce, I told John I'd throw him an upcoming feature slot when he was home on his break from school. This Tuesday, we keep our word. Please join us to encourage John, and hear not only his saxophone prowess, but his EWI chops as well. EWI means Electronic Wind Instrument, and it affords the saxophonist the same synthesized sound palette that a keyboard player has. We've had some world-class saxophonists play our gig these last 11 years, but John's EWI playing will be a first . Another first is the addition of pianist Michael McNeill to our roster of rhythm section guests. Michael has sat in on various occasions, but this will be his debut as a featured sideman. So the tradition continues - at The New Bobby McGee's, located in the Maple Ridge Plaza, Sweet Home & Maple Roads. Tina, Jyl, Magan, steady Billy & quiet Mike - good music, good food, good people, chilled spirits, and a great hang.
Friday, 1/9/2010 at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Cindy Miller, vocals Lisa Hasselback, piano Wayne Moose, bass yours truly, drum set

Tuesdays at Bobby McGee's 7:00 - 10:00
1/12 Barbara Jean
1/19 Warren Stirtzinger & Mike Jones
1/26 Bobby Militello
2/16 Clay Jenkins
Thursdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 p.m.
1/14/2010 Blues Society of WNY
1/21/2010 open Pyramid Band rehearsal
1/28/2010 Salsa Dance Lessons with Sarah Hooper & the Latin Jazz Project
Fridays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
1/8 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
1/15 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
1/22 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
1/29 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/5 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/12 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/19 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
2/26 Civiletto Sings Sinatra
Saturdays at Bobby McGee's 8:00 - 11:00
1/16 Sophisticated Swing
1/23 Joe Rozler
especially in our beloved home town...
The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows.
- George William Curtis
and Peace.
Happy New Year.
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