Tuesday, January 26, 2010

For Immediate Release: American Idol contender John Stevens to perform at Bobby McGee's.

Buffalo's own John Stevens will be performing live at Bobby McGees on March 20, 2010.

John Stevens, who stepped into the national spotlight as a contender on "American Idol," has accepted an engagement at Bobby McGee's, drummer Danny Hull has announced.

Stevens reached the finals of "American Idol" while still a student at Williamsville East High School. He graduated last year from the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

At McGee's, Stevens will be accompanied by a trio yet to be announced. The performance came about partly through the intervention of BuffaloLiveJazz.com.

"We are happy and proud to have helped broker this new artistic partnership," BuffaloLiveJazz.com spokesman Howard Goldman said in a statement. "McGee's is a bright spot on the local jazz scene and we hope to see this venue flourish. John Stevens' presence is generating a lot of excitement."

McGee's is on Maple Road at the corner of Sweet Home Road, at the location of the former Dakota Grill. The chef is owner Mike Milkie, the owner of the former Bobby McGee's in University Plaza. There is no cover charge.

For more information contact Bobby McGee's at 716-831-3271.

BuffaloLiveJazz.com post more details as they become available.

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